Wasting an useless life Feeding her with vain illusions Trusting in violed dogma Dream yourself as shadow of future See your corpse Torn with regrets And feel your soul Vibrate at the recall of death "Sterile madre di infiniti pargoli, Ignota ai più ma a tutti celebre Dama di tenebre La sua ombra ci tocca La campana dell'Ade rintocca ...Giungiamo a Te che accogli gli eroi come i vili In un silenzio che fa male, Madre per noi, torniamo a te come schiavi in un supplizio senza fine". When the frozen winter's breeze Sweeps away the last autumn leaves The last breath deletes our dreams Shattering every hope of tomorrow See your corpse Torn with regrets And feel your soul Vibrate at the recall of death "This is the life a journey of grief Day after day we drew to twilight Dust is my future and wind my breath, I close my eyes and wait for my fate". We are just senseless pawns in a game Wrong is the first move, the birth of a new life We keep on steadily playing loosing pawns And we culminate in the checkmate of death