slit throat sirens fill the air with soundless shrieking songs of when you will be long forgotten can you see the grins of departed that you had once betrayed with your lie-filled eyes monolithic visions of every still moment that you've kept inside the hallows of your shadow will haunt you until it completely devours you whole unworthy of this life that you've tainted in holding the greatest sins in the highest shall go unforgiven these failures once cast out have taken the form of a monster that wills a foul release of hate abominations that you have created shall purge you of your innocence and faith as you are engulfed by the hands and strangled by the legions of damned forsaken skies begin to burn and the path of the damned shall be opened now cling to the chains that you've built forsaken skies begin to burn and the path of the damned shall be opened revealing truth in your lies holding you down by the weights of your falseness, for all to see as they rip the bowels out from your mouth silencing your deception tear the flesh off of your bones to drain your strength and feast on everything you are the bringers of your end are here and they are calling and they are waiting for you for vengeance of your treachery they live to burn you alive burn you alive traitor you fucking traitor there shall be justice when you burn alive forsaken skies begin to burn and the path of the damned shall be opened now cling to the chains that you've built forsaken skies begin to burn and the path of the damned shall be opened up