Waking Up! Working too late Gonna die, its fate Never had a fucking date But even so Spend all day on you ass Grow a complex You only think about the business And the people Spit in your face A fucking fat disgrace Don't give a shit about the human race You journey in life is a hell I've got something to tell No one deserve your fucking smell! But nobody loves u With your speech of hate Not even your mama Living afraid to die You're sad, u can't deny How is it to feel so sick? You ‘re the cursed spit Waking Up! Working too late Gonna die, its fate Never had a fucking date But even so Spend all day on you ass Grow a complex You only think about the business And the people Spit in your face A fucking fat disgrace Don't give a shit about the human race You journey in life is a hell I've got something to tell No one deserves you! Fuck!