Concept (Italy)

Living a Lie

Concept (Italy)

The Chaser persuaded by the all too human Liar
Falls down the divine word
Around my neck I feel a sticky cord

I cry my evil end
And my destiny is calling
Living the lie like a masked truth

I see and say that my will is enough
To translate my crazy desires
Without a God, without a fix basement
I want the good, but the evil is my rent

That marks my evil end
In the hell of my foolish desires
Now my end is my desire
Death of the Truth, I'm living a lie
Living the lie like a masked truth

I see and say that my will is enough
To translate my crazy desires
Now my end is my desire
Death of the Truth, I'm living a lie

When my God is my eternal desire
My will is the a far memory
Destiny, my will is mistress of my life
Now my burning is living a lie