I see an endless rain over the isle, saddening bars Drenching the feet with safety and shame This purple isle of decay pins the timidity Freedom peeks through the cracks and triggers the run Silhouetted trees, so eerie and crooked Whistling sickly in the cool air of the night Arms of our path lie open and tempting As we reach the skirts of the dewy web Come on, run with me, my dear Through the tracks in the thicket I see the sparkle in your eyes The infi nite fi re is burning Yeah, run through the dark with me, my dear When the fi re is smothered by the lids I still see a sun within your heart The wind carries the screams of burning fl esh Like a momentous warning As we sweep through the wet meadows In the shadowy gleam of the pyres Away from the Promised Land The ways of our hearts will lead us through And soon we'll reach the shores of home Remember how you cried like wanton joy repressed? But see, relinquishment and dare just side by side Don't say it's over now The silver plate looms in the aperture Hissing ocean glinting beneath her cracked affection A breath of salt has drawn us near the shore Where we stand with an infi nite fi re in our eyes No, love, don't disappear We'll make it through Through the night and the high tide too Dancing into the vast blazing ocean In the moonlight glow Both you and me