Tom: D D Gdim Cdim D F#m Bm G/B A7 Em7 A7 You start to light her cig - a - rette, A Gdim Cdim G/A G/B A7 Em7 G/B A7/5+ D6 And all at once you love her; D Gdim Cdim D F#m Bm Bm7/E G/B A7 Em7 A7 You've scarce - ly talked, you've scarcely met, A Gdim Cdim G/A G/B A7 Em7 G/B A7/5+ D6 But all at once you love her. D7 G D9 G G/F# A7 Edim D G D You like her eyes, you tell her so, Bm Bm7/E E Bm7/5- A She thinks you're wise and clever. D Gdim Cdim D F#m Bm Bm7/E G/B A7 Em7 A7 You kiss good - night and then you know, A Edim Cdim Gdim A G D7 You'll kiss good - night for - ev - er. G Am7 D9 Gdim D F#m Bm B7 You won - der where your heart can go, Em7 Em7/9 Em7 A7/9 Edim D Then all at once you know.