My youth was spent in the Orient where they never taught me to waltz You'd be surprised when I exercised it was never done to a waltz! It was "done" like this . . . but never to a waltz! In ancient Siam, women like I am indoors or on the street . . . No woman . . . dances with her feet! Egyptian, Persian, only one version no other stands a chance, feet are for walking, not for dance! To an oriental fiddle, you can see them shake their middle, the feet don't mean a thing middles are all they swing! Even an Egyptian "mummy" wiggles her tummy wiggles it so an' so that is the only dance ! know! < instrumental break > You don't need an Arthur Murray just a fringe that's on the surrey will satisfy your needs dancing between the beads! Everybody shake your torso sexy but more-so, shake it, come on, let's go . . . Let's do the only dance I know!