He awakes in the light A new day, a blessing Was it worth the fight? Getting through the night? 'Cause yesterday all was lost, everything Counting the cost: Everything Save this new day While he's dressing You're not entitled to anything You're not entitled to anything She wears a new watch on her wrist A tattooed watch, hammered in by a fist And I think Why would you do that? Why would you want to remind yourself That all that matters is time? You're not entitled to anything No, you're not entitled to anything The more that I'm living The more something seems to say What has been given Can be taken away And if you knew What transpired at that moment of death You wouldn't waste time not loving You wouldn't squander it on regret So own this moment 'Cause you are not promised the next Live it, sink in it 'Cause last time I checked We were not Entitled No we're not entitled to anything I'm not entitled to anything No we're not entitled And all that matters is Nothing that matters in The grand ole context of time