One more statement I'm not crazy, yet you think so You are the same: desperately escaping My grieving Life in the now All the world was fine back then What a lie i choose to tell Cherishing memory of a younger me When fresh air and landmarks mattered the most A perfect place and time Only now that life has gone all wrong Editing history Rewinding Salvage the tape Escaping tormenting Turn lights off Travel in time I realize it's romanticizing the past I know better, there was always death, There was always conflict, there was always loss But i didn't know it yet Neither did you, so remember that As you stomp your victim, you are stomping a child Don't lay this guilt trip on me I didn't ask for any of this How would i like it instead? i don't know, But better than this shit Maybe what i want only exists in my head Maybe it does! so pad the goddamn cell! Leave me to my memories! One day i'll have to lay myself to rest Get your hands off Don't you touch me Let me stay here Chasing a ghost Watching then Moving on, holding on Where does it all stop? One day i'll have to lay myself to rest Sleep, child Just sleep