Come Wind

Cease To Be

Come Wind

Cease to be
Since I was born
People have been telling me
"Son,one day you learn"
But I could never cease to be
A poor cowardice thief
Stealing breaths that you gave me
To grow my skin
And since I was born
Death has been chasing me
Saying: "son, onde day we'll meet"
And he will never cease to go
And through my blood he flows
Like a train,he never slows
Until we meet
Since then I've learned
His grace is enough to me
It washes clean my blood
And in it places love
My God you are everything to me
And your love is all I need
Hold me close and never cease to be my king
Only love
Will fill my cup
Death, don't call me son
I left your blood in the woods that day
Go beneath the earth
Your roots dont't hold me anymore
Oh his love
Oh his love it fills me up
(Oh my God you are so good)
(Fill me with your grace and love)