[Claude] On the north-east tip of North America On an island called Newfoundland There's an airport It used to be one of the biggest airports in the world And next to it is a town called Gander Welcome to the Rock if you come from away You probably understand about a half of what we say They say no man's an island, but an island makes a man [Claude & Beulah] 'Specially when one comes from one like Newfoundland [Company] Welcome to the Rock! [Beulah] That mornin' I'm in the classroom It's our first day back and the school buses are on strike! So, I'm covering for Annette who's running late [Annette] Sorry, Beulah! How's the kids? [Beulah] Not exactly thrilled to be inside on such a gorgeous day So, I told 'em we'd only have a half day this mornin' And they were quite pleased Until I told 'em we'd have the other half in the afternoon! [Actor 8] Welcome to the wildest weather that you ever heard of! [Doug] Where everyone is nice, but it's never nice above [Annette] Welcome to the farthest place you'll get from Disneyland [Claude] Fish 'n chips and shipwrecks [Women & Claude] This is Newfoundland [Company] Welcome to the Rock! An islander, I am an islander I'm an islander, I am an islander I'm an islander, I am an islander I'm an islander, I am an islander [Oz] That mornin' I'm in my car The kids cross airport boulevard to get to school And that time of day people are in a little bit of a rush To get to work and stuff So, normally I sit there and run my radar (whoop, whoop!) And if they're speeding I'll stop 'em And write out a warning ticket I'll write S-T-F-D Slow the fuck down! [Actor 2] Welcome to the land where the winters tried to kill us And we said [Company] We will not be killed! [Actor 9] Welcome to the land where the waters tried to drown us And we said [Company] We will not be drowned! [Janice] Welcome to the land where we lost our loved ones And we said [Company] We will still go on! [Actor 10] Welcome to the land where the wind tried to blow! [Company] And we said no! [Bonnie] That mornin' I drop my kids off at school and head to the SPCA Where I'm greeted by my other kids All barkin' and meowin' for breakfast and a belly rub Not that I'm complaining, I loves them But by the time feeding's done I got to get back to pick up my human kids So I take just one second for myself and I'm sitting in my car [Annette] I'm in the library [Beulah] I'm in the staff room [Annette, Beulah, & Bonnie] And I turn on the radio [Company] You are here At the start of a moment On the edge of the world Where the river meets the sea Here On the edge of the Atlantic On an island in between There and here [Oz & Company] I'm an islander I'm an islander I'm an islander I'm an islander I'm an islander I'm running my radar when Bonnie comes by She pulls up And she is waving at me like mad So I roll down my window And she says [Bonnie] Oz, turn on the radio [Company] I'm an islander [Oz] Slow it down, Bonnie [Company] I'm an islander [Bonnie] Jesus H, Oz! Turn on your radio! [Company] I'm an islander Where our story starts [Janice] It's my first day at the station [Company] Where we'll end the night [Bus Driver] I'm gettin' coffee for the picket line [Company] Where we know by heart [Crystal] Five minutes 'til my smoke break [Company] Every single flight [Dwight] I'm off to work at the airport [Men] Welcome to the fog Welcome to the trees To the ocean and the sky And whatever's in between To the ones who've left You're never truly gone A candle's in the window And the kettle's always on [Company] When the Sun is coming up And the world has come ashore If you're hoping for a harbour Then you'll find an open door In the winter, from the water Through whatever's in the way To the ones who have come from away Welcome to the Rock!