Forty ccs, one room. You escaped your perception alone. Why try? Why cry? I could end it all right now and you'll regret what you have done. I won't look back. I just wanna see your fuckin' face when you hear I'm gone. And don't say I didn't try-I put my hand out and you denied. I will need a second chance now. I would take control of my own future. But you don't get a second chance. Once you're gone, that's the end. There is nothing past this shell that holds us to the ground. I won't look back. You won't see my face when I hear you're gone. And don't say I didn't try-I put my hand out you denied. I won't need a second chance, no. There's just one chance and one life to live. When I see you hanging there, the ropes too tight and theirs no air, I won't look back. And when your liver fails again, no pity from me, not again. You selfish fool, you're not alone- we're all fighting the same fuckin' war. And we all feel we could end this too, but the weaker minds will follow through.