I'm considering a move to Memphis with my hair all aglow When I arrive in Memphis, I'm bound to meet up with someone I might know I'm considering, I'm considering A move to Memphis, a move to Memphis I'm considering, I'm considering I'll visit the Graceland mansion and set my face in wax Then go back to my motel room to file my income tax I'm considering a move to Memphis and this much I know When I arrive in Memphis, I'll have to spent my dough I'll walk down to Beale Street to watch the jug band show I'll shake hands with Gus Cannon, he's someone I should know I'll get myself a motel room that's not too small to see I'll get one with a private bath and a black and white TV Memphis isn't all that big, at least that's how I found it Why, it took only an hour and a half to walk completely around it Memphis isn't all that big, it isn't all that wide Still, it is the kind of place where a country boy can hide I'm considering, I'm considering A move to Memphis, a move to Memphis I'm considering, I'm considering I'll find a favourite restaurant and eat there every day And at the nearby bowling alley I'll bowl my cares away Some days I'll order chicken, some days I'll order fish Some days I'll have piroshki's, that's a Polish dish And after bowling twenty frames, I'll sit and have a beer Perhaps I meet a pretty girl who is a barmaid there I'll get a job at a steak house, wash dishes, mob floors Yes, I know I won't get rich Memphis is the kind of town that won't feel like a trap Besides, I kind of like the way it sits there on the map I'm considering a move to Memphis, that's Memphis Tennessee It worked for Elvis Presley, why can't it work for me? The people in the restaurants there will all use forks and knives They won't take decongestions though for fear of getting hives I'm considering, I'm considering A move to Memphis, a move to Memphis I'm considering, I'm considering I'll ask the lowly sparrow, up in his lofty perch "Would you please direct me to the local Baptist church?" I'll attend the Wednesday meeting and there I'll speak in tongues I'll shout and holler "praise the lord" ''till I nearly burst my lungs Someday I'll return to Memphis in my own private jet I'll remember my first visit there, that's if I don't forget When I arrive in Memphis I'll put a sign out on the door "It's ok to disturb me, that's what I came here for" I'm considering, I'm considering A move to Memphis, a move to Memphis I'm considering, I'm considering