Color Collage

Last Night In Town

Color Collage

What would you do on your last night in town
If you thought you would never come back?
Would you change your mind about leaving it all behind?
Cuz you don't know if it's wrong, til you know it's not right
Fate can push you around, better put up a fight
If you don't, then who's controlling your life?
It's a game of chance, it's all circumstance
And when it matters the most, the timing's never right

Trade the mountains for the city
Trade comfort for insecurity
But you can't trade time, you just can't trade time
And you said that you would do this
So now you've gotta do this

Do what you can, before they turn out the lights
Toughen up kid, and sharpen those knives
You gotta stab a couple backs, you know facts is facts
Cuz we're all climbing the ladder, but we all just hold the rungs

And I'm sorry for my pessimistic nature
You've gotta realize that they'll love you or they'll hate you
There's no in between, you'll see what I mean
When you're face down in a ditch, or sitting pretty at the top

The days of our youth are the string of a kite
Don't let go kid, hold on for dear life
Cuz the winds of change will blow
And it's gonna be so cold
So tie it to your wrist, and tie that knot real tight

Don't be frightened when it's time to meet your maker
Cuz the ones who wrote the books, they could be fakers
None of us will know, til he's knocking on the door
So greet him with a smile, and say hi to my mom