Tom: A E|-->T| une your guitars down half a step, boys and girls. Legend: / = slide up to + = Let ring \ = slide down to b = bend string r = release bend * = palm mute h = hammer on p = pull off X = scratch ~ = vibrato Intro: Guitar 1: E|---------------------| B|---------------------| G|---------------------| X4 D|---------------------| A|-------5p0-----------| E|-0-5/7-----0-3-0-0-0-| (Guitar 2 comes in 3rd time) Verse: Both Guitars: (Mute the strings totally, until last few chords) E|---------------------------------| B|---------------------------------| G|---------------------------------| D|-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-| A|-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-| E|-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-| (Hitched a ride to the...) (Main riff) -The whole verse is played twice- Pre-Chorus: Both Guitars: E|---------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------| G|-/4~-2-0-/5-4~-2-0-/5-4~-2-0--/9-7-7-9-4-2-0-| D|---------------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------| (I cant crash now...) Chorus: Guitar 1: (The strumming pattern isnt included, but its so easy to understand anyways) E|--------|-----| B|--------|-----| G|-----5--|--8--| <--(Second time) D|-5---5--|--6--| A|-5---3--|--6--| E|-3------|-----| (Precious Declaration says...) Guitar 2: (This is totally random with these 4 notes, but basically follow this riff) E|-----------------8-------------------------8-------| B|-10-8-8-12-10-10---12-8-10-10-12-8-8-10-12---12-12-| G|---------------------------------------------------| D|---------------------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------| (This is also played very fast, so hammer on and pull off when possible) (Back to verse) (Back to chorus) Interlude: Guitar 1: (Once again the strumming pattern is not stated) E|--------|-----| B|--------|-----| G|--------|-----| D|-7---9--|--5--| <--Second time A|-7---9--|--5--| E|-5---7--|--3--| Guitar 2: E|-2---4--|--0--| B|-2---4--|--0--| G|-2---4--|--0--| D|--------|-----| A|--------|-----| E|--------|-----| (Think for about 3 seconds and you'll recognize how and when this is played) (Main riff, cut back by one note) Bridge: (Guitar 1 plays Pre-Chorus) E|------------------------------------------------------12-10-10-12--------| B|----------------------------8~-7-8-7-8~--10-12-12~-8--------------12-10-8| G|-/4~-2-0-/4-5~-7-9-9~-9~-------------------------------------------------| D|-------------------------------------------------------------------------| A|-------------------------------------------------------------------------| E|-------------------------------------------------------------------------| (Listen so you know when to play and when NOT to...) (Chorus) (Verse) And thats all. Joel plays the Pre-Chorus with only a one-note difference than what Ross used to, just in case you were wondering. Road map: -Intro -Verse -Chorus -Verse -Chorus -Interlude (Easy space for a drum solo here) -Bridge -Chorus -Outro (Same as intro)