Collective Soul

Georgia Girl

Collective Soul

Tom: A

2007 Album:  Afterwords
Tabbed by:  Jeff Martin
Tuning: ½ Step Down (EbAbDbGbBbEb)

Intro:  Guitar 1 (Clean w/Chorus and some Delay)
(Guitar (3) could be an acoustic and play the chords)

  A                                D
|----------2----2-------------7-----7-----:---------||  X4
|-0-0-(This bass line sounds like only bass)-----:--||

Verse 1: (improvise a bit with this)

  A                                 D
|---------2-----2----2-----/7------7------7----7--:-----||   X4

Enter Piano

  A                                D
|----------2----2-------------7-----7-----:----||  X2

Verse 2

  A                                 D
|---------2-----2----2-----/7------7------7----7--:-----||   X4

Pre-chorus (Chorus):  (Listen to song for strum pattern and accent notes)

  Gbm          D              Gbm          D           Note: D could be=
|-2--------x--------2--------x----|  |--2--|
|-2--------7--------2--------7----|  |--3--|
|-2--------7--------2--------7----|  |--2--|
|-4--------7--------4--------7----|  |--0--|
|-4--------5--------4--------5----|  |--0--|
|-2--------x--------2--------x----|  |--0--|

Intro Lick X2

Verse 3

Guitar 2 (Distortion)

   A     D     A     D
|-x---7---x---7-:||  X2

Guitar 1

  A                                 D
|---------2-----2----2-----/7------7------7----7--:-----||   X4

Solo #1 (2:07)


Power Chords A & D

Solo #2 (2:22) (I don't play much lead, so... any help???)... please post TIA
|-14b15 (V=Vibrato)-------------14b15(V)------------||


Finish with opening riff.

My solo tabs need to be fininshed... and (of course)... improved upon... a lot!