[ERMA] Come on, fellas, gettin' married's for the birds. Who needs it? [CREW] We do! [ERMA] Yeah? Buddie, beware, Buddie, better take care, Though at heart I'm a pearl I'm a difficult girl, So, buddie, beware. During Christmas holidays I develop taking ways And I'm not at all anti Pretty things Santy Brings from Cartier's. Your devotion I prize But you must realize, my boys, Other girl's luxuries Are my necessities, So, buddie, beware. I feel I should put you right. As I lie in bed at night While the twinkling stars gleam on, With my cold cream on I'm a lovely sight. And another thing too, When I'm married to you, my sweet, If to come home you fail, I'll open all your mail, So, buddie, beware.