I sow what you reap in a moment Without consequence While i bow my back to the great ships The spirits blazing, that beckon to me. I turn to the evening star. My arms covet the winters of distant lands Away from your putrid banquet. Underneath, the waves covet the secrets. Listen to the whispers my dear. I shine with the fury, that swells up in me. I turn to the evening star. Your faithless fathers spittle. Their cup overflows in my hand. I'm sick, so sick with the fever, That stole your children away. We live behind shards of glass Feasting on god in the hopes of grace. With the toils of salvation we all should Be put on the cross. Drink you cup, slobber it down. Deep in your thieves den, you're without a soul I want to take you away. I want to burn, to burn the earth. It all drains away, running through our dried fingers. Fragrant mists sear my heart. My tongue, it aches for blaze underneath Your flesh...and within. My arms covet the winters of distant lands Away from your putrid banquet. I glide over the allures of beauty That thieves yearn to steal.