Cold By Winter

We: The Living

Cold By Winter

Blood on red snow
Frost bitten lips plant a kiss on his weak and broken lungs, 
Bled in the name of a flag, 
Bled for the sake of false faith, and she wonders aloud, 
what are my sins in this world?

With broken hearts we say goodbye to those we knew in life. Soon you too will sleep along side her and not wake up.

And she wonders, 
with her eyes cast out to the sky, 
Can you bleed lord?
Can you bleed like me?

Blood on white snow,
She shredded her hands by the oppression of now turned gods,
Bled in the name of a flag,
Bled for the sake of false faith,
And she wonders, what are my sins in this world?

And she wonders, with her arms outstretched to the sky?
Can you bleed lord?
Will you bleed like me?
And she wonders, 
Did you bleed like me?!
The oppression a weight on her shoulders A friend in prejudice and judgment, worn like a jewel around her neck, Introduced with a scarlet letter, sticky on the fingers and black under the moonlight.
And the question still lies at her feet like a pool, bled out, like a breathe she needs to take, Exhale the question Did you bleed? Like me? Can you bleed like me?