
My Winter...


I can`t xplaw you
why i disappeard
cos you wouldn`t understand it
I`d try to make you understand
my reasons but
it didn`t matter to you
now i can make you realize
that in a normal situation
i wouldn`t take you apart from me
i feel that nothing as the same now
i feel that nothing as the same now
My way was broke in
and i didin`d understand
I know, i was the guilty one
and i don`t know what to do i`m sorry
I would lore to get out
I fell that nothing as the same now
i feel that nothing as the same now
Yesterday you said too many thing about me
Yesterday you said too many thing about me
and now have to pay x.....
and now have to pay x.....
.....make me bleed
so, you have regrets now
i pulled up all the page
i disfigured my pain
really drunk and sick
Somethimes i would like to go out
from, this madness that is my soul
i remember to many moments
to many images
i miss, to many thing
witch time has fade
every different thing
now is permanent
I guess now there`s only me right here
i supose i`ll remain here for you
il you`re able to find me so
you should look inside me
I`ll never have wanted to pay
I`ll never have wanted to pay
Maybe if i could taste all your thoughts
feel on my hands every single tear
i`d try to keep by your side
even against all odds
including me
I`ll never have to pay
And i dont anithing
the inmesity`s cold
will glow by your thoughts
the air will hurgtyou in you dreams
Maybe il i could taste all your thoughts
feel on you hands every single tear
i`d tried to keep by your side
My tears will scrape up
your delicate skin, your white skin
My ghost will be arround you
closing you eyes by day
and waking up your soul by night
i cry
give me a god