
The Blood Nymph


She seem to be the best of friends
Haven't known her long at all
Don't really know just what to think
But soon in love you fall

At the edge of desire
You're suddenly taken ill
But she comes to lay beside you
To keep away the chill

She's your only love and you know it's true
Though she's a woman and so are you

But the whispers of warm desire
Becomes a shriek of chilling terror
And you die in the arms of the Blood-Nymph

She's a restless soul without a home
No place to call her own
In her search for everlasting love
She wanders all alone

But she cannot quench the fire
Burning in her heart
With the vampire blood desire
She can never part

So she comes to seek another one
And I bet she thinks it's fun

And the whispers of warm desire
Becomes shrieks of chilling terror
In the eternal embrace of the Blood-Nymph