Fathered By Fiends Expelled by gas, from a rancid womb Drowning in earth, mouth filled with worms. Live! Writhing carrion Its' throne a coffin The grave its kingdom Arise! Mother - Jackal Father - Fiend Eyes caked shut, lungs filled with mud Inhaling deep, exhale plague disease. Arise! From your coffin Claim your kingdom Of bestial deviance. Grave robbery, a hateful exhumation Arcane alchemy…. let the ritual begin ! They dance around the fire Screaming blasphemies Let the Christian cross be scorned Never to be mourned……take heed… Eyes are alive, wide with ancient wisdom Black breath smile, the innocence of birth …… Defiled! Monarch malignant Sired by demons The dark its kingdom Die! Mother - Jackal Father - Fiend Master!