Coffin Birth

Disturbing The Earth

Coffin Birth

Disturbing The Earth
Prowling through graves after midnight
A task reserved for fiends,
A cold finger points the way
To a grave of deeds obscene.

Dragging the shovel behind it, stumbling toward its goal
Yellow teeth bite through lip
Blood as black as coal
Dull steel bites the Earth
Deeper grows the hole…….

Anticipation…cryptic arts under cover of night
Violation …… in full view of the moonlight

Disturbing the Earth!! Disturbing the Earth!!
Awakening the coffin birth

Fetid breath draws quickly
A stink of foul disease
The grave is dug, the deed fulfilled
The master shall be pleased

Get digging!

The still of the night has been shattered
Hallowed ground defiled
Crashing through the rotten wood
Revealing a truth most vile

A dead seed planted in the ground, a tomb within a tomb
Something's heard from within the corpse
Stirring in the womb
Something moves from inside the corpse
Clawing from its womb…..

Anticipation…… cryptic arts under cover of night
Violation …….. in full view of the moonlight

Disturbing the Earth!! Disturbing the Earth!!
Awakening the coffin birth

A miracle of death, fathered by fiends
The graveyard prince of blasphemy.

Disturbing the Earth!