If grandpa was alive right now there ain't no tellin' what he'd have to say Why he had fifteen wives a living with him all when he finally passed away And though I've just got two now mama that's enough to keep me satisfied I haven't had a son yet but the good Lord knows the three of us have tried Cause the Pennsylvania Dutch that we once spoke has been forgotten And the Mormon way of life is almost gone But now and then we gather down in Salt Lake City to raise our voices in a joyful song And we sing Heavenly Father Holy Mother keeper of our children tiller of the land Take us to the river in a horse and buggy Give us our salvation help us make our stand No ma'am I did not go to see the Reverend Brigham Young while I was there But I'm sure glad to know you wanted him to mention my name in a prayer I hope he did not preach about the young folks that refused to make the change Cause if he did I'm sure I got a little more than my share of the blame Cause the Pennsylvania Dutch... Heavenly Father Holy Mother... Heavenly Father Holy Mother... Heavenly Father Holy Mother... Heavenly Father Holy Mother...