
Home Away From Home


Warriors from every zone     
fighting for the world they know
Up here in the sky they see     
my ship yes, I'm the enemy
Mighty blasts losing fast           
they're hiding as I hover past
No way to win, battles cries,  
I've caught this species by surprise
They're fighting for survival of their kind

Thousands of years from flesh to bone      
Mindless children sticks and stones
So many millions with no hope    
I'll take this thoughtless planet for my Home
......Away from Home

Centuries have come and gone      
no difference between right and wrong
One step forward, three steps back   
the "Power" aphrodisiac
Around the sun as earth revolves      
I'll help these beings to evolve
This wanderer will take the prize 
each one soon will realize
no more greed and lies     
take vengence from their eyes

Thousands of years from flesh to bone      
Mindless children sticks and stones
So many millions losing hope
I'll take this thoughtless planet for my Home
......Away from Home

History of war and hate
New/Each generation same old fate  
Evaluations separate
Too many millions with no hope
I'll take this thoughtless planet for my Home
......Away from Home