


Words by Andrew Nicol 

I am touched 
Not by the dirt beetle 
Nor the crevice of night 
But my empathy is with a star 
Confiding on my shoulder 

Sound travels down this hill 
And the wind rolls up it 
Trembling with my budding hands 
That shake about my head 

Curl up 
Between my gnarled thighs 
Dirt beetle or lost child 
This time is slow and my voice 
Is inaudible 
Six feet deep 

Under the ground; gurgling 
Your palm pushes near my toe 
Shake dirty curly child 
Through the night grow(s) 
And through the night it grows… 

I think that (the) spring is five days walk from here 
I'll wait through and watch it come undone 
There's a frozen whisper near me 
That will chuckle come daylight 

In a near ditch 
You tilt your head upward 
And shake my bony hand 
With your blackbird glove