Confession an action of obsession My glory's your condemnation Egregious, lovely depression The rules of God into redemption Devotion, the mark of the illusion Is the the fact of a common fission? The outline of scars of pride never fade Hatred multiplying every day Fallen from grace your tongues are like blades Manipulative your victims you portray All wounds were in the past crushed by the truth Left with those perfect wings, a face of radiant youth No chains they lived in freedom, with bold autonomy Enveloped themselves in mantles of lustruous ivory Cast down a third of Heaven Go forth, defile the wombs of virgins Insubordinate and torn asunder Your bastard brood motionless underwater Arrogance undone, completely unfurled You're a myth in this world With new eyes experiencing pain Obeying a rythm wildly With more sweet revering love With more sweet revering love