
The Yellow Base (Flying Saucer II)


blue bird airforce base, south-west idaho, usa, july 19, 1967:

colonel robert stern was found in a ventilation-pipe,
he could not remember a thing...
moments later he fell into a coma
he is the sixth person from the airforce base
since 1963 to have lost his mind

flying saucer restaurant, desert of south-west idaho, on the evening of 20 july, 1967:

the restaurant is lid up by two lightbowls flying at about 300 metres
they separate into four lightbowls in the shape of a y
everyone in the restaurant knows what this means:

the yellow base (x4)

the yellow base is thought to be the place
where the wreckage items of all ufo crashes are stored

but all south-west idaho, july 21, 1967:

colonel robert stern awakes from his coma
his first words are;
they´re already here...
and they´ve been here for a long time...
and i have seen them

the yellow base (x2)

the blue bird airforce base reports that colonel robert stern
has been taken to a high-security mental institution,
where he is to remain for the rest of his life

the yellow base