Coby James

What Christimas Is All About

Coby James

So many traditions I’ve been keepin'
Decorations and the songs, I hold them so tight
I’ve been looking for a deeper meaning
Than silver and gold, something worth more

But/Cause you give me comfort and joy
The hope of a savior
It’s not about lights or the toys
Or anything the season brings around
Cause now I can finally see what Christmas is all about

A little baby tucked away in a manger
Unto every boy and girl a king has been born
And I believe it, you’re the reason for the season
And I’ve been thinking I don’t need anything more

But/Cause you give me comfort and joy
The hope of a savior
It’s not about lights or the toys
Or anything the season brings around
Cause now I can finally see what Christmas is all about

I don’t need the mistletoe or snow to tell me that it’s the holidays
I don’t need the jingle bells, no none of these could ever take your place

But/Cause you give me comfort and joy
The hope of a savior
It’s not about lights or the toys
Or anything the season brings around
Cause now I can finally see what Christmas is all about