This economy has been taken under siege by an industry that's been dictated militarily dependent on oil under foreign soil like a locomotive waiting to feel the water boil and our jobs in new technology are going over seas to Bangalore for job security look where your nations spending all of your taxation je ne suis pas la bourgeoisie, we are the proletariat the house can't stand without the foundation even though you saw me on the street and we haven't changed a thing since 1944 the business men in office make a killing with the war Rosie you don't have to rivet anymore but your living wage is what you're fighting for father's going to guarantee to build a better bomb if uncle Sam will guarantee a paycheck every month brother's in the infantry so he can go to college after his 4th and final tour and go ahead and call me a communist because I care for the welfare of my people I'm born your equal but don't you think its evil to own islands of property in a sea of starving