I believe We all need God
Without him we are
No more than dust

Without his precious love
Some things seem so unjust
Without him we'd be lost
Unsure of where to go
Nothing to follow

But our hard hearts and thoughts
Souls astray on the road

God owns everything
Nothing and no one owns him
All that exists was made
By his will and wits

God owns everything
Everything belongs to him
All there is
In the whole world is his

Everytime I hear a thunder
Bolts of lightning in the sky
As I watch and lissen I wonder
About a power from on high

Then after the downpour comes a rainbow
The beauty of a sunshine
They are a sign
An example
Of such greatness and might

God owns everything
Everything belongs to him
All there is
In the whole world is his

God owns everything
He owes none to any being
All that exists was made
By his will and wits