Cloven Hoof

Gates of Gehenna

Cloven Hoof

Part 1 - The Grand Deception

Look on high son of man I stand before you
Celestial traveler of time and space
Take my hand discover realms beyond the living
Cast aside the mortal fears that ever plague your race
Leave your world behind seek and you will find the Gates of Gehenna

Part 2 - Beyond The Veil

Sinners scream from tormented fate redemption but a dream too late
Damnated souls in the aftermath of Gods own
Wrath, with paradise lost forever, and ever

Part 3 - Truth Unmasked

Now you will know your reason here
Mine is Lucifer, destructor, abductor of your soul
Seek not escape once lured to Hell's own kingdom
None may elude my presence nor relinquish my dread control
You are sold to brutality never to break free the Gates of Gehenna

Part 4 - Requiem

My fate is sealed in shadow denied the gift of light
Cast down damnated banished from salvations sight
The prey of the betrayer, spirits never finding peace
An eternity of suffering possessed without release

You'll never get away, no...