Don't go messing around Down there, At devils bayou, In the midnight hour Ain't no place to be. Strange things are known Blacker than Swampy water, Dead men talk And are walking free. There's an evil woman Who dwells In sleepy hollow, Once she gets her hooks Onto you You'll never be free. (Chorus) Eye of the zombie! Eye of the zombie! Eye of the zombie, On me! Eye of the zombie! Eye of the zombie! Eye of the zombie, On me! People round these parts Won't never Talk to strangers, Keep the shutters closed From dusk till dawn. Be on your guard The night has Hidden dangers, Or you won't even Live to see another morn. She's a black magic woman Baron Sameads daughter, Dance into the fire And she'll Make you scream. (Chorus) Slave until the end of time She's the devils daughter, The living dead cry out Into an endless dream.