How cold are your hands How cold is your glance When you look at me The darkness has taken you whole Don't pretend you can't see Suffering into my eyes How could life be When my heart was torn Throw one self The ghost and the dead Fighting a cross There's nothing here But the empty shell of what was lost All the stars that shine In the deepest night Drown the light into sorrow Become the dark To the sky and back Until the end Bring the light into darkness And close your eyes Throw my name to the ground Feel the strength of hate that shatters Will these nightmares ever end When my everything dies Pour that pain in my heart And keep it with you shattered Would I ever live again My life would be the same Finally, I've placed my heart in a coffin For that is where it belongs The black fog will surround it And will keep it cold Just the way you left it And it will remind me of everything I've lost And how, how can I not end my life When you are the razor slicing my veins? Now there is no going back Not to what used to be Hold me, my pride that kept on dying To let you exist