White veil - stellar train, looking up to/into the sky I'm listening to you Words with no meaning, only angels cry. Warm rain kisses (my) face, maybe the time will come You say yes - though I know/see you lie I don't/can't escape/free myself from your arms She/it (the comet) is black and white, she's/it's sadness & hope She's/it's the last of the gods' beloved, my secret sister and lover I walked till the night became lost within the day, slowly I turned around The comet's luster painted a cold shadow on my way I gave her/it (the comet) in sacrifice fear, I drank the light like blood My pain was sinking in/soaked into the ground/earth with the rain, some kind of weird/strange purification/cleansing Tomorrow I'll come back/return to touch her, the immortal comet calling/summoning me I dont feel the cold anymore, when it's raining, I can be with you again where the comet's light pierces the cold and wet night The immortal comet gives me her blood, not asking even if I want it. She/it (the comet) is black and white, she's/it's sadness & hope She's/it's the last of the gods' beloved, my secret sister and lover She/it (the comet) is black and white, she's/it's sadness & hope She's/it's the last of the gods' beloved, my secret sister and lover