Tonight we breathe new life... Beyond these vultures who hold the keys; Lays the very soul of a boy whose mind refused. But his heart still beats the undeniable truth. My knees sink to the floor "I can't remember if we've been left here before" This valley won't breathe again. Please release... You don't shine so bright. You're no fuckin' star. Can your grace lead us back home? You haven't killed me, yet... I won't be left behind. It burns the sin in me. Tonight we breathe new life! I'll smash the sea that spills the truth, Just to set you free. "I found out who you are, The blood of the innocence Flows freely through those evil veins." I found out. Just let go! You don't shine so bright. You're no fuckin' star. Can your grace lead us back home? You haven't killed me, yet... I won't be left behind. It burns the sin in me. I found out. Just let go! Today we breathe new life.... And the sun so bright! "I found out who you are, The blood of the innocence Spills freely through those evil veins." Well, I found out who you are.