Sing us a song about Jesus Jesus of long ago Sing us a song about Jesus He loves us you know. To Bethlehem came three wise men With gold and frankincense and myrrh The journeyed far, by guiding star To find the King of all the world. In a manger he was born In a manger he was born. Shepherds in the fields nearby Saw the Angels in the sky And they all came down to welcome Him On that night in Bethlehem. Sing us a song about Jesus Jesus of long ago Sing us a song about Jesus He loves us you know. In Galilee He grew to be Healer of the sick and blind He spoke of love in Heaven above And people came from miles to find Jesus Christ the son of God Jesus Christ the son of God. He was a man who could be strong Doer of good and righter of wrong And he was gentle, kind and true All the things that we could be too. Sing us a song about Jesus Jesus of long ago Sing us a song about Jesus He loves us you know. Sing us a song about Jesus Jesus of long ago Sing us a song about Jesus He loves us you know.