Dreams are funny aren't they? Last night I dreamt that World War three had been declared The BBC gave it out An' then they gave the cricket score England were all out for seventy-one And the West Indies had made 'em bat on. Dreams are funny aren't they? Last night I dreamt that the end of the world had come The BBC gave it out An' then they gave the cricket score England were all out for nil And the West Indies had made 'em bat on. Dreams are funny aren't they? Last night I dreamt that America had made the UK the 52nd, or is it the 53rd state? - oh I don't know The BBC gave it out An' then they gave the cricket score England were all out for fifty-one And the West Indies had made 'em bat on (and on). Dreams are funny aren't they? Ah they're hilarious Last night I dreamt that Labour had won the election The BBC gave it out An' then they gave the cricket score The West Indies were all out for a hundred and thirty four An' our England sighed with relief. Dreams are funny aren't they? Dreams are funny aren't they? Dreams are funny aren't they?