They split They split Yes, they split Yes,,they split They drift away Like never before They are gone Leaving me empty handed They part from me Without remorse, now They took everything I worked for They split Yes, they split They split As if I am doomed They emptied my pockets Like thieves in the night Separated from me As if I am sick They ran away Without saying good-bye They split Yes, they split They split Yes, they split Yes, they split They ran away They ran away Without saying good-bye What they don't know I am the Alpha and Omega I will still stand Because I am the one Who believes, yes I am the one who stood some ground who has been there before Yes, they split They drift away They drift away When I am still Conspire now To coax my will They conspire against me To conquer my soul But what they don't know I am the Alpha and Omega I can put up resistance Retrofit to withstand the test Yes, they split Yes, they split They split They split Yes, they split Oh yes they split They drift away What they don't know I am the Alpha and Omega I can put up resistance Retrofit to withstand the test They split No, yes they split They split Yes, they split As if I am doomed As if I am sick Yes, they split They split Oh, yes, they split They ran away without remorse, now They're gone Oh, they split Yes, they split … Lalalala … nananana … They split Yes, they split Oh nananana … Oh lalalala … They split, Yes, they split…