Parody of We Are the World by USA For Africa (M. Jackson/L. Ritchie) Brockman Music (ASCAP) Warner Timberlake Music Corp. (BMI) New lyrics by Cledus T. Judd (No Relation), Bruce Burch, & Daniel Sarenana, BLT Publishing (BMI) Bruce Burch Music (SESAC) Daniel Sarenana Publishing Designee *=CTJ as Michael Jackson +="Lisa Marie" (blank)=both **="Michael" spoken ++="Lisa Marie" talking ~=Final announcer *There comes a time when inquiring minds must know Just why we have come together as one There are rumors flying Even LaToya's psychic line Could not predict that you would marry me **Take it Lisa Marie +You couldn't go on pretending day by day That you were really the King You're more feminine than me From plastic surgery And Liz was old and overweight so you chose me We own the world we got gazillions *You wear the pants I'll wear the glove and LOVE the children +I'll teach you scientology Move to Memphis Tennessee *I swear we're gonna have more clout than Bill and Hillary *Oh Priscilla was mad She said your dad Was weird enough +But even Elvis didn't try to buy the elephant man *He gave away big Cadillacks Ate cheeseburgers by the stacks +And left me a bloody fortune no you get half We own the world that's why we're grinning And if you hear a whirling sound it's Elvis spinning +Ah he's turning over in his grave His face has turned blue suede *And if he ain't really dead this'll kill him now +We haven't kissed so far we've just held hands The only ride you've given me was at Disneyland *Waa waa wellllllllll there's people suing Oh they're trying to make me pay I've had to hire more lawyers than OJ We own the world Neverland and Graceland Bubbles the Chimp can have the jungle room to play in +I'll learn to do the moonwalk too *And if my nose should come unglues Or my hair should catch on fire you'll come to my rescue We own the world +He loves me tender Even though I'm still not sure about his gender *I guess that I'm a cross between Janet and Jermaine +And I'm a hunka hunka burnin' love straight from the King ooo **Lisa Marie when do you think we can uh constipate our marriage ++Well as soon as ya stop grabbing yourself honey **Ha ha ha oh Lisa Marie you're such a Thriller ++Aw thank you Thank you very much ~Ladies and gentlemen Lisa Marie and Michael have just BOUGHT the building