(spoken) Come on you no good worthless piece of foreign... (BEEP) Wait till I get me a royalty check I'm gonna buy me an American made car Piece of junk People always shout obscenities When I stall in their lane They're all convinced when they see me driving this heap that I'm insane But seat belted in I push the gas down fearlessly Breaks stop working then I watch the engine overheat I need a new car I can't ever get far This one breaks down on me all the time It's got four bald tires And it always backfires And I'm sick of that check engine light I need a new car I replaced all the cables and hoses Had grease all over my face For a couple weekends I had parts thrown all over the place I put it back together fast But now it's even worse Now my friends just laugh Cause it only goes in reverse I need a new car Getting to work's hard When you have to drive backwards all the time I'd find a junkyard and I'd sell it for parts But I know they won't give me a dime I need a new car I won't repair anymore Now the dang transmission's about to fall out The only thought that's on my brain is the new car I could be driving now Rumor is they're having a sale over at the push pull or drag car lot If I can get this towed down there I swear I'll take anything they've got So with a credit line of $20,000 plus No interest or money down and no more taking the bus I got a new car Looking like a big star I don't care if the price is too high It's got a VCR cruise control and Onstar So I know where I'm at all the time I got a new car He got a new car (recording) I hope you enjoyed your refreshing six pack of Judd Take a six pack of Judd to your next party and bandy it with all your friends And remember listen responsibly Thank you