Let's get jiggy with it Uh OHHH My front won't crank I owe the bank I'm gonna pay em back but right now I can't My record went gold half a million sold My wallet was fat But I spent all that (All that) Just when I bought Things I couldn't afford Now Uncle Sam's knocking on my door All that stress I'm so depressed Do not mess with the IRS. Loan shark says its time to pay Says I got till the end of the day Nothing left to do but pray Pray (He'll) Give (Me) One more day Shania I'm broke I need help right away I blew what little bit of money I made You and me where on C.M.T. So why can't I seem to make ends meet Radio Shack keeps a billing me They say their gonna repo my color TV Pick up the phone Throw the man a loan Say (You'll) Pay Shania I'm Broke I'm poor as hell Can't ya tell That's why I've got my house for sale I try in vain But it's not the same I just can't emulate Mutt Lange Have you got a place that I can stay Maybe just for a couple days Check with Mutt see if it's ok Say (The) Word (I'm) On my way Shania I'm broke And I need a pay day If you got an extra million send a little my way If Shania was mine didn't make me a dime So I had to steal your song just one more time Look-y who's back it's Cledus T. I know ya thought you'd heard the last of me This aint no joke Your my only hope Pay (To-) Day Shania I'm broke Aww write a check will ya Hey Shaina I tell ya what I'll do if ya let me borrow $135 dollars To pay my stretch Yugo payment I'll give you four free hair cuts and a bang trim And even sing backgrounds on your next record (HEY-EY-EY) Shania I'm broke I'm ashamed to say That Super Bowl bet didn't go my way Won't ya please buy my new CD Or I'll be filing bankruptcy All my creditors are suing me I owe back taxes from 93 I know your home so pick up the phone Pay Me today Shania I'm broke I'm broke Man I'm broke