Anne Clark

Mundesley Beach

Anne Clark

When you left I went to the sea
And started walking
And walked and walked some more
Hoping somehow the sand
Giving way beneath my feet
Would slowly soak me up
And swallow me up whole
Made as we are - of so much water
Or at the very least draw out
And soak up all the pain
That in the confines of my body
Swims inside my blood
And leave me dry and still
Upon its surface
Upon the beach
Wind blown
Sun bleached

Even now it's not sunk in

Outside of us both
Precious broken love
Escapes into the air
Meeting reversed
I carry on walking
And I'm walking on the sand
On the sand beside the sea

Naked on the beach
Love dies
Grain by grain
Moment by moment
Belief and understanding die also
Moment by moment
Star by star