
Cky Vol 2


Tom: A

The Songs Listed Are The Ones That I have Tabs For. None of this is my own work but
are very good tabs. I searched around for hours so I need only a little credit for using my
for vol.2 songs on the net so this will come in handy. If you see your tab here,
for bothering to make one urself (if u did);). If there's a tab a little wrong don't 
me. ;)ENJOY;)

* Coming
* 12A
* Fuck
*'s In Hi-Fi
* Of The Tiger
* Part
* Xmas
* Jean
23.12 Days Of Xmas
* Objects #10


1. Santa's Coming
Tuning: half step down Eb




Chorus- I'm gonna kill you

New Verse- He knows when your sleeping



Tuning: Standard

           Foolin'        Foolin'   f'f'f'Foolin'  Ah'f'f'Foolin'

       ..Understand this..Jess is......


              Foolin'       Foolin'    F*CK


5. Shippensburg
Tuning: Standard



Verse pt2



Solo: The Cry Baby time now...Make sure overdrive on amp is on..

Bridge: Guitar1

Bridge Guitar2:


9. Genesis 12A
Tuning: Standard

Main Riff

Riff 2

Riff3 pt1

Riff 3 pt2

Riff 3 pt3

Riff 3 pt4


Riff4 end


10. Fat Fuck
Tuning: Drop D

Intro/Verse: Repeat 18X's

Chorus: Repeat 4 X's

  16 X's all till                   this


11. Testing
Tuning: Standard

s= slide

Intro/Riff 1- repeat 2x


Verse 2


12. Chad's In Hi-Fi

Tuning: Drop D

Main Riff 4x

Verse 4x


I can't deny it all my life
Is just a token of my eye
Something you would try

For the best in the obscene
You just look on your TV screen
To pass away the while

It doesn't matter if you're
Red, black, or in the sack
I've got my grip I've got a hold

But nothing ties one down like
Prime time in Hi-Fi
But now it's getting old

The chorus is made up of playing Riff1 three times and Riff2 once

Riff 1 3x

 B5      D5     A5     E5

Riff 2 1x

 B5      D5     F#5     A5

People stop and stare
Here, there and everywhere
They've got the blueprints for life

If you keep pretending
The world is ending

Chorus Riff 2

 B5      D5     F#5     A5
Then you'll be fictionized

Verse Riff 4x with lyrics

So stop the human drive
The fierce power switching on the
Ripe adolescent light
Terminates in five

The people standing in the lines
Have seen the film a million times
With a pocket full of dimes

So unless it is for free
You'll spin the country on its side
To be intensified


People stop and stare
Here, there and everywhere
They've got the blueprints for life

If you keep pretending
The world is ending
Then you'll be fictionized


It's on this TV
It's on the TV

Main Riff 6x

It's on your TV
It's on the TV
It's on his TV
It's on her TV
It's on his TV
It's on your TV screen!!!

Chorus (Don't sing the first half)
And you keep pretending
The world is ending
And you'll be fictionized


Solo (During the second half of this Chorus)


Verse 2x

Outro 2x


End on a B5 chord


14. Eye Of The Tiger

Tuning: Standard

Guitar 1:
   C5        A#5                               G#5

Guitar 1:
Heavy Palm Muting----------------------------------------|

Guitar 2:

Verse :

 (keep strumming)
    Risin up,  back on the street...Took my time took my chances

--10--8--10---back to beginning--------------------------------|


Tuning: Standard

   (main riff)




* Part

Tuning (Low to High):  Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb

This song uses some kind of phaser effect, but I'm not sure exactly what.

Riff 1:



Repeat 2x (don't play first note on repeat)

Riff 2:


Repeat 2x

Ending 1:


Then repeat the entire thing, but instead of playing Ending 1 play this:



* Xmas

Tuning: Half Step Down
























22. Barbara Jean (a Christmas song)

Tuning: Normal


 up on the rooftop...

    ho ho ho..


23.12 Days Of Xmas
Tuning: Normal

     on The 12 days Of Christmas...


25. Dropped

RIFF - Intro and verses [palm-muted verses]

 Pm     .     .



* Objects#10

Tuning: Normal

Main Riff

Main Riff (2nd Part)

Main Riff (3rd Part)