Living In Exile


Say what you want to say, do what you want to do
Somethings wrong in your mind and you wanna flee
The same old places, the same old line
There's gotta more to life than you've ever seen

Leaving home to follow a dream
Searching on where will it lead
Living in exile

Love will come and go like the season change
You gotta face the world and all that remains
Never know the reasons why, never see a clue
One day it all will change and you'll absolve the blame

Leaving home to follow a dream
Searching on where will it lead
Living in exile

Say what you want to say, do what you wanna do
Somethings wrong in your mind and you wanna flee
So you clinch your fist, and you grit your teeth
You count your lucky stars that you'll be reprieved

Leaving home to follow a dream
Searching on where will it lead
Living in exile