I wanna write a song about The things that I think at night And they aren't nice I smoke my cigarettes under the stars Trying to fill a hole In my heart If you say that I'm yours You might full me Just look deep in my eyes (And stay with me until I die) The smoke that is dancing in the sealing Is my art, designed by my lungs (Hovering through the Sun) Something about this tell me you be mine And babe it's alright It's alright (Right down below the line) I'm so full of love, baby But just maybe I'm not full of love with you I'm so full of love, baby But just maybe I'm not full of love with you I'm not full of love with you I'm not full of love with you Full of love with you I'm not full of love with you I'm so full of love, baby But just maybe I'm not full of love with you