
The Strife Is Over


Tom: A

Verso 1
     A                    D
The strife is over, it is done
     A/C#           E
The victory of life is won
    A                   D          A
The song of triumph has begun, Alleluia!

A D A/C# E

Verso 2 
The powers of death have done their worst
For Christ the King has bore our curse
Let shouts of holy joy outburst, Alleluia

Verso 3
From death to life in three dark days
He rolled the stone that sealed His grave
Let hymns of triumph tell his praise, Alleluia

Verso 4
Our risen king is on His throne
And soon His saints He'll welcome home
All glory be to Christ alone, Alleluia

The day has dawned and death is slain
The Kings of Kings will always reign
E                     D
Jesus has won the war, the strife is over, the strife is over
And in the darkest depths of pain
Our living hope will be sustained
E                     D
Jesus Has won the war, the strife is over, the strife is over