Tom: A Verso 1 A D The strife is over, it is done A/C# E The victory of life is won A D A The song of triumph has begun, Alleluia! Instrumental A D A/C# E Verso 2 The powers of death have done their worst For Christ the King has bore our curse Let shouts of holy joy outburst, Alleluia Verso 3 From death to life in three dark days He rolled the stone that sealed His grave Let hymns of triumph tell his praise, Alleluia Verso 4 Our risen king is on His throne And soon His saints He'll welcome home All glory be to Christ alone, Alleluia Bridge D The day has dawned and death is slain A The Kings of Kings will always reign E D Jesus has won the war, the strife is over, the strife is over D And in the darkest depths of pain A Our living hope will be sustained E D Jesus Has won the war, the strife is over, the strife is over