Billyhilly he's the king of the hill billhilly he hits The sour mash swill billhilly he made it off the Farm he's kickin' up dirt out on the loose he Haw ha chewin' on roots always down on The chicken shack he's leavin' for the city And he ain't comin' back do the do se do With the off road know how cops a feel like He milks a cow he's going far in the land of Steel got everybody talkin' about the full Moon swill life of the party buck knife rowdy Slappin' his knee like laurel slapped hardy Do-se-do on a concrete lotion he put it all in Motion jumpin' the barbed wire hoppin' the Pool flintstone brakes using john deere tools Like jed clampett jumped the claim billhilly is His name he's never meaning no harm yank Out the plug he's strummin' on a banjo a lot Square dance hoedown rodeo and a bucket Full of rocks passing the jug and the catfish Crock-pot hayseed with a gun like a trumpet Barefoot drinking from a dixie cup picking his Teeth with an old switchblade loogie to the Dew can 20 feet away from the coal mine to The combine ransack the shack and treat the Girls fine day-in day-out always looking up When he takes downtown making soo-ee Sounds now everybody on the block ain't Wearin no shoes ain't wearin no socks got The itch for the mountain way watchin' old Billy and his jug band play