Be as honest as you can be Question orders, accept ideas Make a meal of what you're eating Don't be scared of social fears Oh that's what Charlie said Pass the plate before it gets heavy Have what's given, give what's gained Spot the gaps but know connections See how freedoms are retained And that's what Charlie said Play with work and work with play Make it all come back some day Be more entrance than departure Know somehow something you're after Oh that's what Charlie said Under the influence It turns the senses to directions Never known before It sets us up and keeps the score Provides a point to reach then we've got there And start again Provides a point to reach then we've got there And start again I don't agree with it I think it's really good Here's something else to fit And now it's understood My head's struck in advice Under the influence I had to ask him twice And then it all made sense Come here and pull up an edge And tell me your name I'm no longer sure I've met you before And I'd like to meet you again Under the influence, under the influence Under the influence, under the influence Under the influence, under the influence