Tom: Gm Gm7 Bb Eb With such graditude in my heart Bb/D Eb F Im here to thank You for all You are Gm7 Bb Eb You’ve been faithful all my days Bb/D Eb F In every season You remain Pre Chorus: Eb F I will enter Your gates with thankgiving Gm7 Bb F Lord I run into Your arms Chorus: Gm7 Bb Eb My lips will sing of Your goodness Gm7 F Eb For Your love illuminates my heart Gm7 Bb Eb My lips will lavish praise upon You Bb/D Eb F For You are Emmanuel Gm7 Bb Eb Bb/D Eb F God with us Verse 2: Gm7 Bb Eb Search my heart and make it clean Bb/D Eb F Replace the dirt with purity Gm7 Bb Eb For You resist the prideful Lord Bb/D Eb F You call the humble You restore Bridge: Cm Eb Emmanuel Bb F/A Whom shall I fear for You are always near Cm Eb Emmanuel Gm7 F (Eb only when going back to chorus) I will praise You all my days Lord I hunger and I crave